Solitaire Board Gamers

What to do if you have a significant collection of board games but have no one to play them with? Looking for someone to grind a 3 hour marathon of Star Wars Rebellion? At the Board Game House, we are frequently asked the question, “do people come by themselves and…

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Takenoko Colour Blindness

Accessibility of any board game is incredibly important. While introducing Takenoko to our library, we found it to be an absolutely amazing game but we noticed one particularly glaring flaw while play testing. The game is not colour blind friendly; particularly the red and green objective cards. Colour blindness is…

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Patchwork Solo Variant

Over the last few quiet days at the store we’ve taken some extra time to create a highly requested solo variant for Patchwork. Patchwork is normally a 2 player game, and an amazing one at that. We thought about how players interact with each other constantly manipulating the position of…

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